Focus on Harlequin CRM Design module
Harlequin CRM Design module enables users to flexibly self-modify and build custom screens.
The Harlequin CRM Design module enables you, the user, to create tailored screens with drop-down options, amounts, dates, time, financial movements, check boxes, notes and more. By entering all of your data in one place, you are improving data security, accuracy and tailored reporting abilities.
How have Harlequin clients used the Design module to date?
The answer is in many different ways: for vulnerability processes, challenge events, wealth screening consent, legacy workflows, service delivery and major donors, to name a few.
Damian Chapman, Head of Communications & Fundraising at the Police Dependants’ Trust shares some valuable insights:
“The flexibility of the Design module means we can capture information unique to us – in one central location. We actively use the system to achieve best practice; the Design module is worth its weight in gold for this. So far we have implemented best practice processes around Vulnerable Donors and consent for Wealth Screening, and are even building in our Data Protection Impact Assessments for all direct marketing activity.
“Regarding our vulnerability process, some of our supporters donate out of a moral sense of duty. As some of these people can be vulnerable, we have devised a comprehensive process underpinned by a specifically designed template. Through this, we can identify our vulnerable donors and record every interaction and decision with casenotes, and then send it for review by our CEO and Trustees.
“With wealth screening, we analyse our data looking at average gift size and highest gift amount. We use a specially designed wealth screening template and external service to help understand our major donors better. Before any information is processed, we check the donor has consented to wealth screening in a specifically designed template recording our decisions for data processing.”
Read the full Police Dependents’ Trust case study.
Another client says: “The Design module is a blank canvas onto which you can capture any information. As a team we are always considering what processes can be replicated and automated on the CRM system. For example, we have a workflow for legacy management.”
Insights from our Client Success team
Kirsty Morgan, Harlequin Customer Success Manager, is inspired to see the increased and varied use of the Design module. She describes a customer that is using customised screens to help with service delivery. “The Design module is being used to manage an employment service for its clients. The screens allow the charity to record data relating to all aspects of the clients’ engagement, from first registering for the service, through to finding employment and then completing their period of in-work support.
“The charity is organising data in a structured manner, enabling them to produce weekly and monthly management statistics. From these reports, they can identify trends, monitor and measure performance, and track the progress of the client ‘journey’.
“They are also able to produce ad-hoc, and often highly specific, reports to support the fundraising team in the preparation of bids to Trusts and Foundations and other funding bodies. Finally, they can promote their service by producing statistics which are used on their Facebook page, in the Annual Report and Accounts and in marketing materials.”
The use of the Design module has enabled this charity to combine its client caseload management function with the fundraising functionality of Harlequin in the same database.
Would you like to sample the Design module to fully centralise your information?
Harlequin CRM clients are entitled to one free screen to explore the Design Module. Screens can be easily self-customised to meet precise working needs. The Design module has been designed to help eliminate off-system data pools and stand-alone spreadsheets, ensuring your organisation has fully centralised information and processes.