Harlequin sponsors IoF West Midlands Conference
Harlequin sponsors IoF West Midlands Conference 2015 for another year
- Where: MAC Birmingham
- When: 1 October 2015
Plenary sessions cover community fundraising from Luke Mallett (British Heart Foundation), developing your career with Ellen Drummond (TPP) and the Five Laws of Fundraising Success with Rob Woods. Tom Ellis, Managing Director from Harlequin will present in the opening session, introducing delegates to Harlequin CRM. There is also a tracked seminar programme with an array of sector experts and charity case studies.
Track One – Skills and Professional Development
Track Two – Diversifying Income
Track Three – Building your Case for Support
Delegates can receive an introductory demonstration of Harlequin CRM and collect a portfolio of client case studies that share tips, insights and best practice.
Find out more about the IoF West Midlands Conference.